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Four Parts Of Your Body That Will Thank You For Installing A Swimming Pool

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As the warm days of summer arrive there are not too many things more refreshing than being able to go out in your own backyard and take a nice long swim. Not only will this cool you off at the end of a long hot day, but with regular use, your pool can help to make you a lot healthier. Nothing beats swimming as a full-body exercise, but even if you cannot swim, aquatic exercise will benefit most of your body parts.

Your Heart Will Thank You

There is no muscle in your body that is more important than your heart. You strengthen your heart through aerobic exercise, and swimming is the perfect aerobic exercise. It does not matter if you are swimming laps across your pool, or simply performing aerobic exercises in the water, you will be using all of your major muscle groups.

When you strengthen your heart, you help your heart move more blood throughout your body, which leads to a healthier body. That is not all. Studies have shown that women who engaged in aerobic exercise such as swimming, lowered their risk of heart disease between 27 - 41%

Your Lungs Will Thank You

When you elevate your heart rate, you make your lungs move oxygen more efficiently. This not only make breathing easier, but it will also get more oxygen to the tissues in your body. When you are swimming, remember to breathe in through your nose, and blow out through your mouth. This will help you get oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.

There is an extra advantage if you happen to be asthmatic. Although many different types of exercises can bring on asthmatic attacks, swimming is not one of them. Because swimming takes place in a moist, damp environment, it has been shown to reduce the number of episodes which you may suffer.  

Your Muscles And Joints Will Thank You

Many of the exercises that you engage in on land place a huge amount of impact on your skeletal system. This is not the case when you exercise in water. Because when you immerse yourself in water, you become lighter. The deeper you immerse yourself, the lighter you become. The buoyancy of the water works to lessen the natural pull of gravity. 

By performing your exercises in your swimming pool, you will be able to do more than you would be able to do on land. You will get a better workout due to the resistance of the water without putting stress and strain on your joints. You will be able to move your body much easier in the water than you can on land. This makes aqua based exercises perfect for anyone who may have bad hips and knees, or those who suffer from forms of arthritis. 

If your pool water is warm, or you choose to heat your pool, you will get even more benefit. The warm water will help your muscles and tendons stretch better. This can be a great way to unwind at the end of a long hard day.

Your Mind Will Thank You

If you find yourself stressed, anxious, or even depressed, there is nothing better than a fun physical activity to help treat these conditions. Actually, any type of physical exercise will help your body to release endorphins, which are the bodies feel good compounds. The good news is some studies have shown that swimming will do this quicker than other sports. 

Swimming in your backyard pool not only takes place in a beautiful location, but it allows you to take your mind off of the underlying problems which are causing your stress, anxiety, or depression. Why pop pills for your condition when all you have to do is pull on your swimsuit? For more information about types of pools and supplies, check out sites like
