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What Can You Do About Rust In Your Swimming Pool?

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Rust is not only a visual annoyance, but it can also be damaging to your pool. The rust can weaken the pool's structure, which can lead to the need for extensive repairs. Therefore, it is important to deal with the rust as soon as possible. If you are concerned with rust in your pool, here is what you need to know.  

Why Is There Rust in the Pool?

Rust is sometimes the result of metal objects being left in the pool. For instance, metal hair clips that go unnoticed can be an enemy to your pool. Aging water pipes that are leading to your pool can also be a source of rust.  

In some instances, the rust is the result of a defective part in the pool's components. For instance, if the protective coating that is designed to prevent rust is not thoroughly applied, rust can occur.  

The water filling your pool might also be to blame. Water from a well sometimes has iron fittings in it. The iron is used to construct the well. As the well ages, it is not uncommon for pieces of it to break off and enter the water supply.  

Regardless of the reason for the rust, you need to have it repaired as quickly as possible. Allowing the problem to fester could lead to various issues, including leaks.  

What Can You Do?

There are a few methods you can try to get rid of the rust in your pool. How successful they are depends largely on the amount of rust and its progression. If you have a small amount of rust, you can try to apply ascorbic acid to the area.  

You can place the acid in a sock, tie it off, and use a pool pole to position the sock directly over the stain. Allow the sock to remain in position several minutes. You can then use a brush to scrub the area. You might have to do it several times to be effective.  

Another option is to clean the entire pool with an ascorbic acid solution. If you do opt for this method, you need to closely follow the directions on the solution to avoid damaging your pool.  

If these measures fail, you can contract with a pool repair specialist, such as those at Plaster Masters. He or she can help pinpoint the cause of the rust. The pro can also remove the rust and educate you on future measures you can take to avoid a similar situation.
