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3 Ways To Improve Your Commercial Pool Without Total Restoration

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Whether you are a hotel owner with a pool on the property or you operate a summertime recreation location, your pool is probably one of the biggest attractors you have to boast for your place of business. While complete restoration of a dated pool may be the most desirable option if your pool area is looking a little ragged and old, there are also ways you can improve the pool's appearance without total restoration. Take a look at three easy ways to improve your commercial pool without having to ask for a complete restoration job.

Have the pool retiled or resurfaced by a professional.

In a lot of cases, the pool itself is in fair shape, but the aesthetics are not as cosmetically appealing as they should be. If this is the case with your commercial pool, talk to a pool repair technician about possibly having it resurfaced or retiled. Even though this can be a lengthy project, the end result will be a pool that looks like it is brand new, which will definitely make it more appealing to your guests.

Upgrade the patio that surrounds the pool.

The patio that surrounds your commercial pool is one of the first things that visitors will notice, and therefore, it should be in pristine condition. If the patio is concrete and has cracks and discoloration, it could be time to have a new concrete patio installed. If your commercial pool is surrounded by a wooden deck and it is not looking so great these days, consider having the deck replaced. Just upgrading the deck can make a huge difference in the overall impressions of the pool area on your commercial property.

Invest in a new water pump and filtration system for your pool.

There is nothing that is a bigger turnoff to pool goers than water that is not crystal clear or appears cloudy and murky. In most cases, this problem is caused by poor water filtration or a damaged water pump. In general, a large pool pump or filtration system should be replaced every so often anyhow, so if it has been a while since you have made an upgrade or replacement, talk to a pool supply company like the one represented at about having the filtration system and water pump replaced.

In the end, making changes to your commercial pool will just be an advantage to your business property. Talk to a pool and spa maintenance contractor for more information.
