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Types Of Hot Tubs And Spas To Choose From

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If you're thinking about getting a hot tub for your deck or backyard, you have different options to consider depending on how you want to use the tub. These tubs come in a wide range of prices and styles, but there are three basic choices. Here's a look at these choices so you can decide which hot tub for sale is best for you.

Traditional Hot Tub For Soaking

If you want a rustic hot tub for your deck that you can soak in and gaze at the stars on a cold winter night, then a basic or traditional model might be what you want. These are often round wooden tubs but you can buy them made of different materials. Some are even portable.

These tubs provide comfortable seating for soaking in hot water, but they usually don't have bubbling water or massage jets. One of these would be perfect if you want hot water for relaxing muscles or soothing aching joints, and you don't like the sensation of water jets beating against your skin.

Spas With Massage Jets

If you want the ability to soak in hot water and get a water massage at the same time, then a spa is the right choice. These often provide more comfortable seating so you can recline in the tub while water jets massage your back, legs, and feet. These tubs vary quite a bit by manufacturer and price. They are in different sizes so you can choose one for entertaining or one that's small for you and your spouse.

The number of water jets varies too. You may prefer the feeling of many weaker jets on your back rather than a few strong ones. When you shop for a spa, you have many more considerations than if you shop for a basic hot tub. The number of jets, their position, the configuration of the seating, and additional features such as underwater lights all make a difference in the cost of the spa and how well it will match your needs.

Swim Spas That Let You Exercise

A swim spa is the most expensive option to choose, but it has a lot to offer. One section of the spa is for seating and water massage, while the other is large enough for you to stretch out and float or swim. A swim spa is a good substitute for a pool, and it's a combination of a pool and spa, so you get the best of both.

A swim spa isn't large enough to actually swim around the tub, instead, a strong stream of water holds you in place so you swim while not going anywhere. You can use the spa for walking, jogging, and water aerobics so you get a workout that's easy on your joints.

Decide on the features you want most and determine your budget before you go spa shopping. There are so many innovative spas to choose from that you may have difficulty making up your mind, but no matter what kind you choose, you'll have a relaxing getaway in your backyard that allows you to unwind and ease your aches and pains at the end of the day.
