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Resurfacing Your Pool: Everything You Need To Know

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Are you thinking about resurfacing your pool? Whether your pool is starting to show its age or you simply want to give it a new look, resurfacing is a great option.

Here are some things you need to know about pool resurfacing.

How often should you resurface a pool?

Experts state that you should resurface your pool every ten years or so. However, if your pool is starting to show significant signs of wear and tear, like cracks and chipping, you may need to resurface it sooner rather than later. Likewise, if your pool is constantly leaking water or losing chemical balance, resurfacing may be the best way to solve those problems. 

What materials are used to resurface a pool?

There are several different types of materials that can be used for pool resurfacing, including:

  • Plaster is by far the most common type of material used. In fact, it has been used for centuries. Plaster is made from a mixture of Portland cement and sand, which gives it a smooth finish. Plaster is also relatively inexpensive compared to other types of materials.
  • Tile is another popular choice for pool resurfacing due to its durability and aesthetic appeal. Tile comes in various colors and patterns, so you're sure to find an option that matches your personal style. Tile is also easy to clean and maintain; however, it does require more care than plaster or fiberglass.
  • Fiberglass is another option that is growing in popularity due primarily to its durability. Fiberglass pools can last around 25 years with proper care and maintenance. Fiberglass pools are also easier to care for than concrete or tile pools; however, they are more susceptible to staining.
  • Gelcoat is one of the newest options available for pool resurfacing. It was initially developed for use on boats but has since been adapted for swimming pools. Gelcoat is incredibly durable, but it can be challenging to repair if it becomes damaged.

What is the process of resurfacing a pool?

The first step is draining the pool entirely so that the surface can be prepped for resurfacing. Next, the contractor will apply a bonding agent to the old surface so that the new surfacing material will adhere properly. Depending on your material, the new surface will need a few days or longer to dry.

Resurfacing your pool can give it a brand-new look while improving its performance and extending its lifespan. Before taking the plunge, be sure to educate yourself on all aspects of pool resurfacing so that you know what to expect.
